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Hi, My name is Jay Arbuckel. I am running for President of the United States Of America. I am born and raised in the state of N.J. I am 51 years old. I am running as a Republican, but do not let that fool you. I am where most republicans use to be back in the 80's towards the center of the isle. I believe strongly in our constitution. I believe every American has the same rights no matter your race, color, religion, or sexual preference. I believe women have the right to do with their body what they wish. Most importantly I believe in the old saying Life, Liberty, and Happiness. The country has changed, some good, some bad. We need to take that good and continue the progress and get rid of the bad ie. same old status quo. We need to take the best of the republican values, democratic values, conservative values and make America be what it use to, Great !!!! We can not do this while we are fighting over who did this or who said that. We can only make this amazing country get back on top with unity, hard work and some sacrifices. Screw prosecuting Trump, Biden or whoever else. It is a waste of money, time and most of all a waste of resources. We need to get our heads out of our ass and stop being the laughing stock of the world. Whos with me?????

Jay Arbuckel For President
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